When Can I Return to Exercise Postpartum?

Welcoming a precious little one into the world is an incredible journey, but it can also bring significant changes to your body and lifestyle. As you navigate the postpartum period, finding your way back to exercise can be both exciting and challenging. It’s important to respect the healing process and slowly build back an exercise routine. This looks different for everyone but one thing is the same: when your body is ready, you’ll know!

  1. Understanding Contraindications

    Before resuming exercise after childbirth, it's crucial to be aware of any conditions that may affect your ability to engage in physical activity. Certain factors such as a complicated delivery, C-section, or pelvic floor issues may require additional caution and modified exercise routines. Remember the health and wellness is just as much an inside journey as an outside one. Utilize the resources on your birth team such as your OB/GYN , Midwife, Doula, or Pelvic Floor PT to evaluate your individual situation to determine the appropriate path forward. Speaking with your healthcare provider is a crucial step in your postnatal fitness journey. Remember, every woman's recovery timeline is different, and individualized medical advice is essential.

  2. Choosing the Right Exercise Program

    Selecting the right exercise program postnatal is key to ensure a safe and effective return to fitness. Look for programs or trainers who specialize in postnatal exercise and possess relevant certifications. These professionals understand the unique needs of postpartum bodies, including core and pelvic floor recovery, and can provide appropriate modifications and progressions. When building your programming, focus on exercises that promote overall strength, stability, and flexibility, with an emphasis on rebuilding core strength and improving posture. Look for low-impact exercises especially as you build strength back in the pelvic floor. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of workouts, always listening to your body and adjusting as necessary. Remember, consistency is more important than intensity during this phase, as your body continues to heal and adjust. All MARGO’S classes were designed to be inclusive of the postnatal body. All 4 classes have an emphasis on pelvic floor conditioning, core rehabilitation, and healing diastasis recti.

  3. Nurturing the Relationship with Yourself

    Returning to exercise postnatal is not just about physical recovery; it's also an opportunity to nurture the relationship with yourself. Becoming a new parent is a transformative experience, and it's crucial to approach your fitness journey with self-compassion and patience. Set realistic goals, celebrate small achievements, and prioritize self-care. Remember it’s not about going back to who you were, rather building a new version of yourself now.

    Recognize that your body has gone through incredible changes and needs time to heal. Embrace the journey as a way to reconnect with your body, restore your energy, and boost your mental well-being. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community who understand the challenges and triumphs of this phase, whether it's through group fitness classes, online forums, or local groups.

Coming back to exercise postnatal is a significant step towards reclaiming your health and well-being. Plus, by building a routine now you’re giving your little one the greatest example to follow. By understanding contraindications, consulting your medical team, choosing the right exercise program, and nurturing the relationship with yourself, you can embark on a safe and fulfilling fitness journey. Remember, every experience is unique, so it's important to listen to your body, trust your instincts, and celebrate the progress you make along the way.


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