Why is Margaret Obsessed with Dry Brushing?

In the quest for radiant and healthy skin, we often find ourselves exploring some pretty interesting techniques and practices. One such hidden gem that has gained popularity in recent years is the art of dry brushing. This simple yet effective technique not only feels incredible but also offers a multitude of benefits for your skin.

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Dry brushing is a skincare practice that involves using a firm, natural-bristle brush to gently exfoliate the skin. This technique is typically performed on dry skin. There are many ways you can incorporate dry brushing into your routine, whenever it works for you is best.

How to Dry Brush:

  1. Choose the Right Brush: Select a brush with natural bristles, preferably one with a long handle for easy reach. The bristles should be firm but not too abrasive to avoid irritation. We’ve used them all, below are our favorites.

  2. Dry Skin Only: Dry brushing is most effective on dry skin, so it's best to perform this ritual before your shower or bath.

  3. Start at Your Feet: Begin brushing at your feet and move upwards, using long, sweeping motions towards your heart. This direction helps stimulate lymphatic flow and promotes detoxification.

  4. Gentle Pressure: Apply gentle pressure while brushing, ensuring that it's comfortable and not causing any redness or irritation.

  5. Focus on Problem Areas: Spend extra time on areas with rough skin or cellulite, but be gentle on more sensitive areas like the chest and neck.

  6. End at Your Heart: Finish brushing at your chest, as this helps facilitate lymphatic drainage towards the heart.


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